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How to Tackle Big Challenges



The Importance of CEO Confidence and Strategic Decision-Making

Confidence is a key virtue for CEOs, but where that confidence is directed matters just as much. A recent survey conducted by Egon Zehnder, titled “The CEO Response,” reveals that CEOs are anticipating significant changes in various sectors in the coming years. The survey indicates that 95 percent of CEOs foresee major shifts in the economy, geopolitics, energy, and technology over the next decade. Additionally, 80 percent of CEOs feel a sense of responsibility to act as social influencers, extending their role beyond merely leading their companies.

A Delicate Balance

While the idea of CEOs speaking out on social issues gained traction in recent years, the new report suggests that CEOs are approaching this topic more cautiously and strategically. Although 68 percent of CEOs believe they have a role to play in addressing geopolitical issues alongside governments, they are careful to avoid inflammatory rhetoric and extreme stances.

Only 9 percent of CEOs identified ‘tackling inequalities’ as a key challenge.

CEOs are increasingly focusing on sustainability and the role of AI, showcasing a commitment to addressing pressing environmental and technological issues. However, the report highlights a reluctance among CEOs to engage with issues related to inequalities, with only 9 percent identifying it as a significant challenge. Similarly, ‘diversity and inclusion’ ranked low in terms of priority for CEOs.

Striking a Balance

Despite the emphasis on global issues, CEOs are also grappling with day-to-day operational concerns, such as talent acquisition and development. The report underscores the importance of balancing strategic initiatives with the practical demands of running an organization.

Association leaders have encountered resistance in addressing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) issues. To navigate these challenges, leaders are advised to align DEI efforts with business goals and organizational values. Success in driving change on critical issues like climate and technology hinges on cultivating a supportive team.

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Recognizing the significance of inclusive leadership, CEOs are prioritizing skills like fostering curiosity, active listening, and elevating collective aspirations. Building an emotionally connected team is seen as a catalyst for driving change, fostering adaptation, alignment, and motivation.

Looking Ahead

CEOs aspire to contribute to a better world, but this goal extends beyond addressing immediate concerns. It involves developing teams and communities that sustain long-term efforts towards positive change. By balancing strategic vision with operational realities and fostering inclusive leadership practices, CEOs can drive meaningful impact in a rapidly evolving global landscape.

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